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eLearning Development Services

Constructive Learning Design offers a selection of elearning modules covering safety and professional development courses. Custom elearning module development is available for your unique learning requirements.

LMS-ready modules

Developed modules follow SCORM technical standards. Titles can be uploaded to your organisation's Learning Management System (LMS). The modules work with your LMS to deliver the content, track learner activity, deliver assessments, and report completion status.

Content can also be published in HTML format to add to the webpage of your choice.

Accessible Content

Following the principles outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), elearning titles are designed to meet level AA accessibility guidelines.

Developed elearning modules work with the latest versions of NVDA, JAWS, VoiceOver, and TalkBack on supported browsers.

Responsive Design

Modules are developed with responsive design in mind. This gives learners the best viewing experience for both mobile and desktop devices, regardless of screen size, orientation.

All courses offered are responsive, which means modules can be completed in the office or in the field on any device seamlessly.